Shine Rebrand

We completely reimagined what it means for this business consultancy and their clients to Shine. This rebrand needed be invigorating and modern, dynamic and multi dimensional in a way that perceives the negative space around an idea or in this case, a business.

Shine Rebrand

The concept for this business management consultancy was to visualise the 'universe' that their clients live within and provide a construct for the space surrounding them. An infinite space full of potential clients and business growth. This optimistic brand embodies the philosophy that a brand is not 2D, and a businesses potential lie beside them and behind them, as well as in front. 

© 2021 Buttercluck

The two orbs represent the client and the Shine consultancy. Their 'relationship' is a blended path similar to what you would see what two stars observe eachother's orbit. This is the Shine, the path that connects the dots for businesses.